119 Concord Place
Syracuse, New York
Phone/Fax: 315-471-5854

How to Prune Burning Bush

Weird Alberta Spruce Growth

Frost Cracks

Miniature Roses Inside and Outside

Removing Heavy Snow

Washers and Wire for Shrub Repair

Trumpetvine Flower Frustration

Hydrangea Flower Frustration

Questions of the Week

Trees, Shrubs and Vines

Reflected heat from paved surfaces, compacted soils mixed with construction rubble, exposure to large amounts of deicing materials and a limited maintenance budget are all challenges to be overcome in downtown Syracuse.Trees and shrubs, and to a lesser extent, vines, are the "bones" of most landscapes.

Trees "tie" our homes to the ground, provide shade, and can screen unwanted views into and off of our property.

Shrubs to soften the starkness of our home's foundations, direct foot traffic from one space to another, provide privacy, and add seasonal color and interest in the form of flowers, fruit and fall foliage.

Bigleaf hydrangea can produce stunning blue or pink flowers following mild winters. And vines are most often relied upon to provide colorful flowers as they cling to, and cascade from mailboxes, trellises and fences.

The questions I receive most often about all of these plants relate to their mature size, whether they need sun or shade, if they can grow in wet soils, and when and how they should be pruned.

You'll find the answers to many of these questions by clicking on the links at right!